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Is Your Construction Site Equipped for Medical Emergencies?

Writer's picture: Costello SafetyCostello Safety

Construction workers are at risk of injury and death every day. Therefore, it is crucial to have a medic on-site to help these workers in case of emergencies. The health and safety of workers on a construction site are under the watch of trained experts known as construction site medics. They also educate teams about safety procedures for building sites and offer medical assistance to injured workers.

Primary Role of a Construction Site Medic in an Emergency

Construction Medic - a medical specialist with expertise in giving medical care to construction workers and others employed in the sector. They have received training to deal with the particular requirements of construction workers, such as knowing how to use heavy machinery properly and detecting the symptoms of heatstroke. Services offered by construction medical professionals include:

  • First Aid Services - These services include treating injuries and illnesses, as well as providing first aid for wounds that might otherwise lead to infection.

  • Specialized Emergency Services: These services include administering oxygen or CPR.

Additional Skills

  • Conduct site safety inspections and orientations

  • Provide additional training and competencies

  • Conduct safety awareness meetings

  • Patient assessment/management

  • Bleeding control/shock management

  • Cardiac arrest management – AED

  • Joint/bone immobilization

  • Arrange transportation for more severe injuries

Common Requirements/Qualifications:

  • OSHA 30 General Industry Training Course

  • Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Certification

  • CPR/AED/First Aid Instructor

Advantages of On-site Emergency Services

They are useful assets since they can offer quick aid in an emergency. Time is of the essence in times of crisis. An on-site specialist can make a significant difference if they can react in a matter of minutes or even seconds.

  • Provides guidance during an emergency

  • Prevents fatalities and workplace injuries

  • Reduces damage to buildings, stock, and equipment

  • Provides convenient access to high-quality care

  • Maintain health and safety compliance

  • Boosts productivity in the short-term and the long-term

  • Sheds light on unrecognized hazardous conditions

  • Helps you recruit and retain employees

How to Ready Your Construction Site for a Medical Emergency

One of the most important things you can do to prepare for a medical emergency is to make sure that you have a construction medic on-site at all times. You should also have an Emergency Action Plan in place for when an emergency does happen so that the right people are notified and can respond quickly.

  • Make sure your safety officer has received first aid and CPR training.

  • Install an AED machine close to the building site's entrance.

  • Always keep a first aid kit with all the necessary supplies on hand.

For Emergency Action Plans, First Aid & CPR Training, Advice, and Programs, contact our team today to learn how we can make your workplace safer!


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