Wearing a hard hat on a construction site is an excellent method to shield oneself against fatalities and life-altering injuries. Keep in mind that workers need to be trained to recognize and understand the many kinds of OSHA-compliant hard hats as they work to maintain safety on their site. They should also be shown how to take care of their hard hats.

In order to encourage the implementation of the required head protection in working situations, OSHA has established hard hat rules. There are ANSI (American National Standards Institute) components in addition to these particular rules.
How does it all work? OSHA presents the requirements you must follow, and ANSI delivers the means by which you follow these requirements.
What is a Hard Hat?
A hard hat is a type of helmet used in the workplace to guard against head injuries. Such head injuries could be caused by falling items, debris, environmental factors, etc. On a job site, workers frequently run into fixed items and come into electrical risks. Workers who wear hard hats are protected from splashes and even ultraviolet light exposure.
Hard Hat Safety Facts Found Inside Hat
You should see the following information printed inside your hard hat. Check the following:
Manufacturer’s name
ANSI standard
ANSI type (I or II)
ANSI class (G, E, or C)
Date of Manufacturing
For some types and classes, you will also see guiding arrows, “LT” (low temperature) marks, and “HV” (high visibility) descriptions.
When are Hard Hats Required?
If any of the following dangerous circumstances exist at work, hard helmets that comply with OSHA regulations are necessary:
If objects may fall from overhead and potentially strike employees
If electrical hazards exist and accidental head contact is a risk
If there are stationary fixtures, such as beams and pipes, on which employees may bump their heads
OSHA Hard Hat Requirements
The hard hat’s design must perform against impact, penetration, and electrical shock.
The hard hat must be the type and class (ANSI) for specific hazardous conditions.
The hard hat should undergo testing requirements to ensure its OSHA compliance. Beyond manufacturers’ routine testing, employers should verify that hard hats are fully compliant.
Read more about OSHA’s hard hat requirements here.
ANSI Hard Hat Requirements
Your hard hats must meet one of the two types: TYPE I: Protects the top of the head. TYPE 2: Protects both the top and the sides of the head.
Your hard hats must meet with one of the three classes: CLASS G: These are general hard hats rated for 2,200 volts. CLASS E: These are electrical hard hats rated for 20,000 volts. CLASS C: These are conductive hard hats, and they do not offer electrical protection at all.
Read more about ANSI hard hat requirements here.
How long should you use your hard hat?
When hats experience dents, cracks, penetration, or even wear from rough handling and care, OSHA hard hat replacement regulations must be taken into account. Although there isn't a hard hat OSHA expiration date, manufacturers may set a specific date for expiration.
Most replace their hard hats every five years. In addition, they replace the support strap annually.

For Hard Hat Requirements, Advice, and Programs, contact our team today to learn how we can make your workplace safer!